• 가격: $0.033 시가총액: $65.78M
  • 거래량: $1.84M 공급량: 1942.42M
  • 스테이킹: 0 스테이킹 사용자 수:


RAI Finance

인당 최대 보상




{day}: {hour}: {min}: {sec}
RAI Finance
Participate in the RAI Finance airdrop and share 8,000 USDT token rewards

웹사이트 | 백지

프로젝트 개요

RAI Finance --  The Epicenter of Web3.0 World

RAI Finance aims to become the epicenter of the Web 3.0 world, through the issuance of digital assets, cross chain trading and its social trading platform.

RAI Finance aims to become the epicenter of Web3.0 world. Based on Blockchain technology and ecosystem, RAI Finance is going to create a new decentralized finance(DeFi) service, realizing a polymerized connection of multiple areas like creation of blockchain assets, cross-chain trading and social function.

The team members are from China, US and Korea. Each of them has on average over 3 years' experience in their region's blockchain industry, participated in projects like building and running top consulting companies in the industry, Layer1 protocol, DAPP and decentralized trading platform (DEX), etc.

RAI Finance works closely with Korea's top social trading platform - League of Traders. With the technology advantage and user base, League of Traders has helped RAI Finance step forward from 0 to 1 in both product and users.

Medium: https://medium.com/rai-finance

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaiFinance

규칙 & 설명

All users who have completed the social tasks and KYC are eligible to share a total of 8,000 USDT (TRC-20) per the following rules. The rewards will be distributed to all eligible participants in 5 working days by the end of the event. Participants must complete all airdrop tasks and submit their TRC-20 USDT address in the event dashboard before the event closes to receive their rewards.


Task 1 — Join Telegram: Join and be active in our official Telegram community during the whole event period. Users need to have 5+ active days and 5+ messages (with spam filter). 


Task 2 — Follow Twitter: Follow our official Twitter during the whole event period. Users need to retweet or comment 2+ tweets (with spam filter). 


Task 3 (optional) - Participate and use the aggregated trading function on RAI Finance mainnet product on either ETH or Polygon chain and trade any amount of asset. Submit the address you used on RAI Finance to Blockzone for verification.


Task 4 (Optional) – Create a portfolio with the Social Trading function on RAI Finance mainnet product on either ETH or Polygon chain. Submit the address you used on RAI Finance to Blockzone for verification.

How to create portfolio?


Task 5 (Optional) – Invest in any portfolio with the Social Trading function on RAI Finance mainnet product on either ETH or Polygon chain and hold for at least 120 hours. Submit the address you used on RAI Finance to Blockzone for verification.


How to invest in a portfolio?



For Task 1&2

The rewards will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

- The first 100 participants will receive $5 worth of USDT.

- Participants 101~600 will receive $2 worth of USDT.

- Participants 601~2100 will receive $1 worth of USDT.


*Only the first 2,100 participants will receive airdrop rewards.


For Task 3-5

Task 3: The rewards will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

The first 100 participants will receive $10 worth of USDT.


Task 4: The rewards will be distributed based on the Portfolio’s monthly return. Top 30 gainers will each receive 50 USDT airdrop rewards.


Task 5: The rewards will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. The first 50 participants will receive $50 worth of USDT.



*Reminder: All participants MUST submit their TRC-20 wallet addresses in the Blockzone event dashboard before this event closes to receive airdrop reward. Failing to submit TRC20 addresses will result in losing all the airdrop awards.

Furthermore, rewards worth $50,000 have been prepared for mainnet events - check out the link below for full details and get the chance of winning more rewards! 



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