• 价格: $0.033 流通市值: $65.78M
  • 24小时交易量: $1.84M 流通数量: 1942.42M
  • 质押总额: 0 质押用户:





{day}: {hour}: {min}: {sec}
Share 3,300 USDT rewards in DeFine Airdrop

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截屏2022-05-10 下午9.03.25.png截屏2022-05-10 下午9.04.02.png


Task 1 — Join Telegram:

Join and be active in our official Telegram community https://t.me/defineplatform during the whole event period. Users need to have 5+ active days and 5+ messages (with spam filter).

Task 2 — Follow Twitter:

Follow our official Twitter https://twitter.com/defineplatform during the whole event period. Users need to retweet or comment 5+ tweets (with spam filter).

Task 3 — Leave a comment under any NFT on DeFine official website https://app.define.one/marketplace

Task 4 — Submit your TRC20 wallet for reward distribution. Failing to submit before the event ends will result in losing all the rewards.


Participants must complete KYC and all the above tasks to receive rewards. 

  • The first 100 participants will receive $5 worth of USDT.
  • Participants 101~1000 will receive $2 worth of USDT.
  • Participants 1001~2000 will receive $1 worth of USDT.

Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed as an offering of securities or as investment advice or investment recommendations by Blockzone or any of its affililiates. Blockzone is not providing any broker-dealer, investment advisory, legal, financial or tax related service. Potential participants must conduct their own due diligence of any issuer, token or token-based security. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy, token or token-based security is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance.